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2023-04-24Trend MicroDon Ovid Ladores
ViperSoftX Updates Encryption, Steals Data
2023-04-24Immersive LabsKevin Breen
Detecting and decrypting Sliver C2 – a threat hunter’s guide
2023-04-24CofenseAustin Jones
Open-Source Gh0st RAT Still Haunting Inboxes 15 Years After Release
Ghost RAT
2023-04-24Kaspersky LabsIvan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher
Tomiris called, they want their Turla malware back
KopiLuwak Andromeda Ave Maria GoldMax JLORAT Kazuar Meterpreter QUIETCANARY RATel Roopy Telemiris tomiris Topinambour Storm-0473
2023-04-24CoinDeskJesse Hamilton, Nikhilesh De
U.S. Sanctions 3 North Koreans for Supporting Hacking Group Known for Crypto Thefts
2023-04-23d01aMohamed Adel
exposing the internals of Aurora Stealer Builder
Aurora Stealer
2023-04-21K7 SecuritySudeep Waingankar
MuddyWaters back with DarkBit
2023-04-21SophosColin Cowie, Paul Jaramillo
IcedID: Defrosting a Recent Campaign Illustrating evolving tactics and shared infrastructure
IcedID PhotoLoader
2023-04-21SymantecThreat Hunter Team
X_Trader Supply Chain Attack Affects Critical Infrastructure Organizations in U.S. and Europe
2023-04-21Jamf BlogFerdous Saljooki, Jaron Bradley
BlueNoroff APT group targets macOS with ‘RustBucket’ Malware
2023-04-20ESET ResearchMarc-Etienne M.Léveillé, Peter Kálnai
Linux malware strengthens links between Lazarus and the 3CX supply‑chain attack
BADCALL SimpleTea POOLRAT 3CX Backdoor BADCALL IconicStealer
2023-04-20Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Xiaoqiying/Genesis Day Threat Actor Group Targets South Korea, Taiwan
2023-04-20SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Daggerfly: APT Actor Targets Telecoms Company in Africa
DAAM Android Botnet being distributed through Trojanized Applications
2023-04-20OALabsSergei Frankoff
CryptNET Ransomware
2023-04-20FortinetCara Lin
EvilExtractor – All-in-One Stealer
2023-04-20SecuronixDen Iyzvyk, Oleg Kolesnikov, Tim Peck
New OCX#HARVESTER Attack Campaign Leverages a Modernized More_eggs Suite to Target Victims
2023-04-20VirusTotalVicente Diaz
APT43: An investigation into the North Korean group’s cybercrime operations
2023-04-203CXAgathocles Prodromou
Security Update Thursday 20 April 2023 – Initial Intrusion Vector Found
2023-04-20MandiantADRIAN SANCHEZ, DANIEL SCOTT, Dimiter Andonov, Fred Plan, Jake Nicastro, JEFF JOHNSON, Marius Fodoreanu, RENATO FONTANA
3CX Software Supply Chain Compromise Initiated by a Prior Software Supply Chain Compromise; Suspected North Korean Actor Responsible
POOLRAT IconicStealer UNC4736