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2021-06-01Dark VortexDark Vortex
PE Reflection: The King is Dead, Long Live the King
Brute Ratel C4
2021-06-01Github (Albocoder)Erin Avllazagaj
Inside commercial malware sandboxes
2021-06-01CiscoJosh Pyorre
Backdoors, RATs, Loaders evasion techniques
BazarNimrod GoldMax Oblique RAT
2021-06-01SANSJake Williams, Kevin Haley
A Contrarian View on SolarWinds
Cobalt Strike Raindrop SUNBURST TEARDROP
2021-06-01Department of JusticeOffice of Public Affairs
Justice Department Announces Court-Authorized Seizure of Domain Names Used in Furtherance of Spear-Phishing Campaign Posing as U.S. Agency for International Development
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-01MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
New sophisticated email-based attack from NOBELIUM
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-01Rising Threat Intelligence CenterRising Threat Intelligence Center
Rising warning: APT organizes Lazarus Group to launch an attack on China
2021-06-01Möbius Strip Reverse EngineeringRolf Rolles
Hex-Rays, GetProcAddress, and Malware Analysis
2021-06-01CyberScoopSean Lyngaas
Ex-US ambassador, anti-corruption activists in Ukraine were targets of suspected Russian phishing
2021-06-01SentinelOneJuan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
NobleBaron | New Poisoned Installers Could Be Used In Supply Chain Attacks
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-01MalwarebytesHossein Jazi
Kimsuky APT continues to target South Korean government using AppleSeed backdoor
2021-06-01Medium mergeneMehmet Ergene
Detecting Initial Access: HTML Smuggling and ISO Images — Part 2
2021-06-01Medium mergeneMehmet Ergene
Detecting Initial Access: HTML Smuggling and ISO Images — Part 1
2021-06-01SpecterOpsJonathan Johnson
Evadere Classifications
2021-06-01Stratosphere LabKamila Babayeva, Sebastian García
Dissecting a RAT. Analysis of the Command-line AndroRAT.
2021-06-01BitdefenderAlin Mihai Barbatei, Oana Asoltanei, Silviu Stahie
Threat Actors Use Mockups of Popular Apps to Spread Teabot and Flubot Malware on Android
Anatsa FluBot
2021-06-01wordfenceRam Gall
Critical 0-day in Fancy Product Designer Under Active Attack
2021-06-01Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Critical WordPress plugin zero-day under active exploitation
2021-05-31WiredAndy Greenberg
Hacker Lexicon: What Is a Supply Chain Attack?
EternalPetya SUNBURST
2021-05-31Twitter (@alberto__segura)Alberto Segura
Tweet on Flubot version 4.4