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2025-01-25SophosAnthony Bradshaw, Colin Cowie, Daniel Souter, Hunter Neal, Mark Parsons, Sean Baird, Sean Gallagher
Sophos MDR tracks two ransomware campaigns using “email bombing,” Microsoft Teams “vishing”
ReedBed STAC5143 UNC4393
2024-11-13SekoiaColine Chavane, Sekoia TDR
A three-beat waltz: The ecosystem behind Chinese state-sponsored cyber threats
2024-05-21SekoiaAmaury G., Coline Chavane, Kilian Seznec, Sekoia TDR
Master of Puppets: Uncovering the DoppelGänger pro-Russian influence campaign
2023-04-21SophosColin Cowie, Paul Jaramillo
IcedID: Defrosting a Recent Campaign Illustrating evolving tactics and shared infrastructure
IcedID PhotoLoader
2022-07-20SophosColin Cowie, Gabor Szappanos
OODA: X-Ops Takes On Burgeoning SQL Server Attacks
Maoloa Remcos TargetCompany
2022-05-23DCSOColin Murphy, Johann Aydinbas
A deal with the devil: Analysis of a recent Matanbuchus sample
2022-04-25th3protocol blogColin Cowie
Choziosi Loader: Multi-platform campaign delivering browser extension malware
2022-02-23SophosAbhijit Gupta, Anand Ajjan, Andrew Brandt, Colin Cowie, Felix Weyne, Rahil Shah, Steven Lott, Syed Zaidi, Vikas Singh, Xiaochuan Zhang
Dridex bots deliver Entropy ransomware in recent attacks
2022-01-19SophosColin Cowie, Mat Gangwer, Sophos MTR Team, Stan Andic
Zloader Installs Remote Access Backdoors and Delivers Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike Zloader
2021-09-02Twitter (@th3_protoCOL)Colin, GaborSzappanos
Tweet on Confluence Server exploitation (CVE-2021-26084) in the wild and cobaltsrike activity (mentioned in replies by GaborSzappanos)
Cobalt Strike
2020-12-31Youtube (Colin Hardy)Colin Hardy
SUPERNOVA - Everything you need to know to Reverse Engineer an APT WebShell
2020-12-22Youtube (Colin Hardy)Colin Hardy
SUNBURST SolarWinds RECON - Malware Reverse Engineering, OSINT and Identifying Victims
2020-12-17Youtube (Colin Hardy)Colin Hardy
SUNBURST SolarWinds Malware - Tools, Tactics and Methods to get you started with Reverse Engineering
2020-12-16Twitter @cybercdh)Colin Hardy
Tweet on 3 key actions SUNBURST performs as soon as it's invoked
2020-12-15Twitter @cybercdh)Colin Hardy
Tweet on some more capabilties of SUNBURST backdoor
2020-12-15Twitter @cybercdh)Colin Hardy
Tweet on CyberChef recipe to extract and decode strings from #SolarWinds malware binaries.
2020-09-30Team CymruJacomo Piccolini, James Shank
Pandamic: Emissary Pandas in the Middle East
HyperBro HyperSSL
2019-04-30Cisco TalosColin Grady, Jaeson Schultz, Matt Valites, Pierre Cadieux
Sodinokibi ransomware exploits WebLogic Server vulnerability
2017-10-11Cisco Talos@Simpo13, Colin Grady, Dave Maynor, Edmund Brumaghin
Spoofed SEC Emails Distribute Evolved DNSMessenger
2017-04-27ColinGuruColin Hardy
Advanced Banload Analysis
2017-03-02CiscoColin Grady, Edmund Brumaghin
Covert Channels and Poor Decisions: The Tale of DNSMessenger