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2022-08-10CiscoNick Biasini
Cisco Talos shares insights related to recent cyber attack on Cisco
Yanluowang UNC2447
2022-08-10GoogleGoogle Project Zero, Xingyu Jin
The quantum state of Linux kernel garbage collection CVE-2021-0920 (Part I)
2022-08-10Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Anthony Galiette, Daniel Bunce, Doel Santos, Shawn Westfall
Novel News on Cuba Ransomware: Greetings From Tropical Scorpius
2022-08-10BitSightJoão Batista
Emotet SMB Spreader is Back
2022-08-10Cybersecurity TrendsCostin Raiu
“Pegasus”, the spyware for smartphones. How does it work and how can you protect yourself?
2022-08-09Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
Pivoting on a SharpExt to profile Kimusky panels for great good
2022-08-09Twitter (@Katechondic)Katechondic
Tweet on malware, suspected to be from China based actor, targeting Taiwan
2022-08-09CiscoOnur Mustafa Erdogan
Raspberry Robin: Highly Evasive Worm Spreads over External Disks
Raspberry Robin
2022-08-09SUCURILuke Leal
Fake Instagram Verification & Twitter Badge Phishing
2022-08-09cybleCyble Research Labs
Bitter APT Group Using “Dracarys” Android Spyware
2022-08-09KasperskyKurt Baumgartner, Seongsu Park
Andariel deploys DTrack and Maui ransomware
Dtrack Maui Ransomware
2022-08-09ZscalerJagadeeswar Ramanukolanu, Sudeep Singh
AiTM phishing attack targeting enterprise users of Gmail
Dynamite Panda APT Group
2022-08-08FortinetJames Slaughter
Life After Death - SmokeLoader Continues to Haunt Using Old Vulnerabilities
SmokeLoader zgRAT
Linux Malware RapperBot Brute Forcing SSH Servers
2022-08-08AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Monero CoinMiner Being Distributed via Webhards
Monero Miner
2022-08-08Medium CSIS TechblogBenoît Ancel
An inside view of domain anonymization as-a-service — the BraZZZerSFF infrastructure
Riltok magecart Anubis Azorult BetaBot Buer CoalaBot CryptBot DiamondFox DreamBot GCleaner ISFB Loki Password Stealer (PWS) MedusaLocker MeguminTrojan Nemty PsiX RedLine Stealer SmokeLoader STOP TinyNuke Vidar Zloader
2022-08-08AccidentalRebelKarlo Licudine
Malware sandbox evasion in x64 assembly by checking ram size - Part 1
2022-08-08KasperskyKaspersky Lab ICS CERT
Targeted attack on industrial enterprises and public institutions
Cotx RAT Logtu nccTrojan PortDoor
2022-08-08The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
BumbleBee Roasts Its Way to Domain Admin
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike