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2022-07-21CensysMatt Lembright
Russian Ransomware C2 Network Discovered in Censys Data
DeimosC2 PoshC2
2022-07-21BlackberryMark Stevens, Rocky De Wiest
The 13 Deadly Sins of APT Incident Response — Part 1
Amadey Bot Being Distributed Through SmokeLoader
Amadey SmokeLoader
Malware development tricks. Run shellcode like a Lazarus Group. C++ example.
2022-07-21SilentpushSilent Push
It’s time to close the door on open directories
2022-07-21Avast DecodedJan Vojtěšek
The Return of Candiru: Zero-days in the Middle East
Caramel Tsunami
Attackers target Ukraine using GoMet backdoor
Tecniche per semplificare l’analisi del malware GuLoader
2022-07-21IntezerRyan Robinson
Lightning Framework: New Undetected “Swiss Army Knife” Linux Malware
Lightning Framework
2022-07-21ProofpointBryan Campbell, Pim Trouerbach, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
Buy, Sell, Steal, EvilNum Targets Cryptocurrency, Forex, Commodities
2022-07-21Trend MicroAlfredo Oliveira, David Fiser
Alibaba OSS Buckets Compromised to Distribute Malicious Shell Scripts via Steganography
2022-07-21Sentinel LABSAleksandar Milenkoski, Jim Walter
LockBit 3.0 Update | Unpicking the Ransomware’s Latest Anti-Analysis and Evasion Techniques
2022-07-21ASECASEC Analysis Team
Dissemination of AppleSeed to Specific Military Maintenance Companies
2022-07-21ASECASEC Analysis Team
Malware Being Distributed by Disguising Itself as Icon of V3 Lite
Ave Maria
2022-07-20Securonix Threat LabsDen Iyzvyk, Oleg Kolesnikov, Tim Peck
STIFF#BIZON Detection Using Securonix – New Attack Campaign Observed Possibly Linked to Konni/APT37 (North Korea) - Securonix
Konni Opal Sleet
2022-07-20SophosColin Cowie, Gabor Szappanos
OODA: X-Ops Takes On Burgeoning SQL Server Attacks
Maoloa Remcos TargetCompany
2022-07-20FreebufQi Anxin Threat Intelligence Center
Abused Slack Service: Analysis of APT29's Attack on Italy
Unidentified 098 (APT29 Slack Downloader)
2022-07-20QianxinRed Raindrops Team
The Sidewinder (APT-Q-39) uses Google Play to spread an analysis of malicious Android software
2022-07-20MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Google Ads Lead to Major Malvertising Campaign
2022-07-20Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Erika Mendoza, Jessie Prevost, Joelson Soares, Nusrath Iqra
Analyzing Penetration-Testing Tools That Threat Actors Use to Breach Systems and Steal Data