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2022-03-29SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Verblecon: Sophisticated New Loader Used in Low-level Attacks
2022-03-28AvastThreat Intelligence Team
Avast Finds Compromised Philippine Navy Certificate Used in Remote Access Tool
Unidentified 091
2022-03-28splunkSplunk Threat Research Team
Threat Update DoubleZero Destructor
2022-03-24BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: SunSeed Malware Targets Ukraine Refugee Aid Efforts
2022-03-23SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
GOLD ULRICK Leaks Reveal Organizational Structure and Relationships
Conti Emotet IcedID TrickBot
2022-03-23SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
Threat Intelligence Executive Report Volume 2022, Number 2
Conti Emotet IcedID TrickBot
2022-03-23CrowdStrikeFalcon OverWatch Team
Falcon OverWatch Threat Hunting Contributes to Seamless Protection Against Novel BlackCat Attack
2022-03-23Team CymruAndy Kraus, Brian Eckman, Josh Hopkins, Paul Welte
Raccoon Stealer – An Insight into Victim “Gates”
2022-03-23QianxinRed Raindrop Team
Analysis of Attack Activity of PROMETHIUM Disguised
2022-03-22MicrosoftDetection and Response Team (DART), Microsoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
DEV-0537 (UNC3661) criminal actor targeting organizations for data exfiltration and destruction
RedLine Stealer LAPSUS
2022-03-21AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
BitRAT Disguised as Windows Product Key Verification Tool Being Distributed
BitRAT TinyNuke
2022-03-18MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Double header: IsaacWiper and CaddyWiper
CaddyWiper IsaacWiper
2022-03-17Digital ShadowsPhoton Research Team
Meet Lapsus$: An Unusual Group in the Cyber Extortion Business
2022-03-17BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: HermeticWiper Targets Defense Sectors in Ukraine
2022-03-16AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Gh0stCringe RAT Being Distributed to Vulnerable Database Servers
Ghost RAT Kingminer
2022-03-16SymantecSymantec Threat Hunter Team
The Ransomware Threat Landscape: What to Expect in 2022
AvosLocker BlackCat BlackMatter Conti DarkSide DoppelPaymer Emotet Hive Karma Mespinoza Nemty Squirrelwaffle VegaLocker WastedLocker Yanluowang Zeppelin
2022-03-16BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
New Ransomware Family Identified: LokiLocker RaaS Targets Windows Systems
2022-03-16MicrosoftMicrosoft Defender for IoT Research Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Uncovering Trickbot’s use of IoT devices in command-and-control infrastructure
刻 の 涙 : NT 5.x NDIS 驅動程式後門分析《Daxin x32》
2022-03-14CrowdStrikeFalcon OverWatch Team
Falcon OverWatch Threat Hunting Uncovers Ongoing NIGHT SPIDER Zloader Campaign