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2021-11-29KasperskyMaher Yamout
WIRTE’s campaign in the Middle East ‘living off the land’ since at least 2019
2021-11-29The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
CONTInuing the Bazar Ransomware Story
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike Conti
2021-11-29Trend MicroJaromír Hořejší
Campaign Abusing Legitimate Remote Administrator Tools Uses Fake Cryptocurrency Websites
AsyncRAT Azorult Nanocore RAT NjRAT RedLine Stealer Remcos
2021-11-29CertitudePeter Wagner
Unpatched Exchange Servers distribute Phishing Links (SquirrelWaffle)
2021-11-29CrowdStrikeFalcon OverWatch Team
Nowhere to Hide: Detecting SILENT CHOLLIMA’s Custom Tooling
2021-11-29MandiantBrandan Schondorfer, Tyler McLellan
Kitten.gif: Meet the Sabbath Ransomware Affiliate Program, Again
Cobalt Strike ROLLCOAST
2021-11-27trickster0's Nesttrickster0
Halo's Gate Evolves -> Tartarus' Gate
2021-11-26Twitter (@jhencinski)Jon Hencinski
Twitter Thread on weelky MDR recap from
GootKit Squirrelwaffle
2021-11-25imp0rtp3 blogimp0rtp3
A Deep Dive Into SoWaT: APT31’s Multifunctional Router Implant
2021-11-25DSIHCharles Blanc-Rolin
Emotet de retour, POC Exchange, 0-day Windows : à quelle sauce les attaquants prévoient de nous manger cette semaine?
2021-11-24TelsyTelsy Research Team
Possible attack to Telco company in Middle East
Vladimir hacker, who developed a program for hacking banking systems, received a suspended sentence
2021-11-24safebreachTomer Bar
New PowerShortShell Stealer Exploits Recent Microsoft MSHTML Vulnerability to Spy on Farsi Speakers
2021-11-24GoogleGoogle Cybersecurity Action Team, Google Threat Analysis Group
Threat Horizons Cloud Threat Intelligence November 2021. Issue 1
2021-11-24Lasq's Security BlogLasq's Security Blog
From the archive #1: OSTap downloader deobfuscation and analysis
2021-11-24SansecSansec Threat Research Team
CronRAT malware hides behind February 31st
2021 Analysis Report on Lorec53 Group
2021-11-230ffset BlogChuong Dong
HANCITOR: Analysing The Malicious Document
2021-11-23Minerva LabsNatalie Zargarov
A Long List Of Arkei Stealer's Crypto Browser Wallets
Arkei Stealer
2021-11-23MorphisecArnold Osipov, Hido Cohen
Babadeda Crypter targeting crypto, NFT, and DeFi communities
Babadeda BitRAT LockBit Remcos