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2025-02-25Félix Aime, Jeremy Scion, Sekoia TDR
PolarEdge: Unveiling an uncovered ORB network
2025-01-13SekoiaAmaury G., Erwan Chevalier, Félix Aime, Maxime A.
Double-Tap Campaign: Russia-nexus APT possibly related to APT28 conducts cyber espionage on Central Asia and Kazakhstan diplomatic relations
2025-01-13SekoiaAmaury G., Erwan Chevalier, Félix Aime, Maxime A.
Double-Tap Campaign: Russia-nexus APT possibly related to APT28 conducts cyber espionage on Central Asia and Kazakhstan diplomatic relations
2023-05-17SekoiaFélix Aime
APT28 leverages multiple phishing techniques to target Ukrainian civil society
2022-12-05SekoiaFélix Aime, Maxime A, Sekoia TDR
Calisto show interests into entities involved in Ukraine war support
2022-05-04Twitter (@felixw3000)Felix
Twitter Thread with info on infection chain with IcedId, Cobalt Strike, and Hidden VNC.
Cobalt Strike IcedID PhotoLoader
2022-02-23SophosAbhijit Gupta, Anand Ajjan, Andrew Brandt, Colin Cowie, Felix Weyne, Rahil Shah, Steven Lott, Syed Zaidi, Vikas Singh, Xiaochuan Zhang
Dridex bots deliver Entropy ransomware in recent attacks
2021-04-15Twitter (@felixw3000)Felix
Tweet on Dridex's evasion technique
2020-10-15Kaspersky LabsFélix Aime, Ivan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher
IAmTheKing and the SlothfulMedia malware family
2020-07-28Kaspersky LabsFélix Aime, Ivan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher
Lazarus on the hunt for big game
Dacls Dacls Dacls VHD Ransomware
2020-03-31Kaspersky LabsFélix Aime, Ivan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher
Holy water: ongoing targeted water-holing attack in Asia
2020-03-23Kaspersky LabsFélix Aime, Yury Namestnikov
Fin7 APT: how billion dollar crime ring remains active after leaders’ arrest
2019-06-02VMRayFelix Seele
Hypervisor-based Analysis of macOS Malware
Coldroot RAT
2019-05-08Kaspersky LabsFélix Aime, Yury Namestnikov
FIN7.5: the infamous cybercrime rig “FIN7” continues its activities
Griffon Ave Maria FIN7
2019-05-01Felix Weyne
Hancitor's Packer Damystified
2018-07-29SophosFelix Weyne
AdKoob information thief targets Facebook ad purchase info
2018-07-26FireEyeSwapnil Patil
Microsoft Office Vulnerabilities Used to Distribute FELIXROOT Backdoor in Recent Campaign
2016-08-01UperesiaFelix Weyne
Analysis of a packed Pony downloader