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2022-09-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Daniela Shalev, Itay Gamliel
Hunting for Unsigned DLLs to Find APTs
PlugX Raspberry Robin Roshtyak
2022-09-26K7 SecurityGaurav Yadav
DcDcrypt Ransomware Decryptor
2022-09-26Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
New Erbium password-stealing malware spreads as game cracks, cheats
Erbium Stealer
2022-09-26CrowdStrikeIoan Iacob, Iulian Madalin Ionita
The Anatomy of Wiper Malware, Part 3: Input/Output Controls
CaddyWiper DEADWOOD DistTrack DoubleZero DUSTMAN HermeticWiper IsaacWiper Meteor Petya Sierra(Alfa,Bravo, ...) StoneDrill WhisperGate ZeroCleare
APT techniques: Access Token manipulation. Token theft. Simple C++ example.
2022-09-25YouTube (Arda Büyükkaya)Arda Büyükkaya
Cobalt Strike Shellcode Loader With Rust (YouTube)
Cobalt Strike
2022-09-25Github (muha2xmad)Muhammad Hasan Ali
Technical analysis of Alien android malware
2022-09-24Cyber And Ramen blogMike R
So Long (Go)Daddy | Tracking BlackTech Infrastructure
FARGO Ransomware (Mallox) Being Distributed to Unsecured MS-SQL Servers
2022-09-23humansecuritySatori Threat Intelligence and Research Team
Poseidon’s Offspring: Charybdis and Scylla
2022-09-23KasperskyArtem Ushkov, Roman Dedenok
Mass email campaign with a pinch of targeted spam
Agent Tesla
In the footsteps of the Fancy Bear: PowerPoint mouse-over event abused to deliver Graphite implants
2022-09-23MandiantMandiant Intelligence
GRU: Rise of the (Telegram) MinIOns
ArguePatch CaddyWiper XakNet
2022-09-22SentinelOneAleksandar Milenkoski, Amitai Ben Shushan Ehrlich, Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
The Mystery of Metador | An Unattributed Threat Hiding in Telcos, ISPs, and Universities
2022-09-22Seriously Risky BusinessTom Uren
Recent Cyber Chaos is a Structural Shift
2022-09-22ComputerWeeklyAlex Scroxton
ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware family becoming more dangerous
BlackCat BlackCat FIN7
2022-09-22AhnLabAhnLab ASEC Analysis Team
Analysis Report on Lazarus Group's Rootkit Attack Using BYOVD
2022-09-22MorphisecMorphisec Labs
Watch Out For The New NFT-001
Eternity Stealer Remcos
2022-09-22Medium s2wlabJeong Hyunsik, Yang HuiSeong
Quick Overview of Leaked LockBit 3.0 (Black) builder program
2022-09-22CISANSA, US-CERT
Alert (AA22-265A) Control System Defense: Know the Opponent