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2022-09-07GoogleGoogle Threat Analysis Group, Pierre-Marc Bureau
Initial access broker repurposing techniques in targeted attacks against Ukraine
AnchorMail Cobalt Strike IcedID
2022-07-20KasperskyDmitry Galov, Jornt van der Wiel, Marc Rivero López, Sergey Lozhkin
Luna and Black Basta — new ransomware for Windows, Linux and ESXi
Black Basta Conti
2022-07-19ESET ResearchMarc-Etienne M.Léveillé
I see what you did there: A look at the CloudMensis macOS spyware
2022-05-10Marco Ramilli's BlogMarco Ramilli
A Malware Analysis in RU-AU conflict
Cobalt Strike
2022-05-06LeMagITValéry Rieß-Marchive
Ransomware: LockBit 3.0 Starts Using in Cyberattacks
2022-04-18CitizenLabBahr Abdul Razzak, Bill Marczak, Elies Campo, Gözde Böcü, John Scott-Railton, Ron Deibert, Salvatore Solimano, Siena Anstis
CatalanGate Extensive Mercenary Spyware Operation against Catalans Using Pegasus and Candiru
Chrysaor Caramel Tsunami
2022-04-18TrellixAlexandre Mundo, Jambul Tologonov, Marc Elias
Conti Group Targets ESXi Hypervisors With its Linux Variant
Conti Conti
2022-04-15Center for Internet SecurityCIS
Top 10 Malware March 2022
Mirai Shlayer Agent Tesla Ghost RAT Nanocore RAT SectopRAT solarmarker Zeus
2022-04-12Check PointCheck Point Research
March 2022’s Most Wanted Malware: Easter Phishing Scams Help Emotet Assert its Dominance
Alien FluBot Agent Tesla Emotet
2022-04-05CitizenLabBill Marczak, CitizenLab, Front Line Defenders, Mohammed Al-Maskati, Ron Deibert, Siena Anstis
Peace through Pegasus Jordanian Human Rights Defenders and Journalists Hacked with Pegasus Spyware
2022-03-28TrellixMarc Elias, Max Kersten
PlugX: A Talisman to Behold
2022-03-25GOV.UAState Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine (CIP)
Who is behind the Cyberattacks on Ukraine's Critical Information Infrastructure: Statistics for March 15-22
Xloader Agent Tesla CaddyWiper Cobalt Strike DoubleZero GraphSteel GrimPlant HeaderTip HermeticWiper IsaacWiper MicroBackdoor Pandora RAT
2022-03-10BrightTALK (Kaspersky GReAT)Costin Raiu, Dan Demeter, Ivan Kwiatkowski, Kurt Baumgartner, Marco Preuss
BrightTALK: A look at current cyberattacks in Ukraine
HermeticWiper HermeticWizard IsaacWiper PartyTicket WhisperGate
2022-03-10Cisco TalosChris Neal
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 Threat advisory: Cybercriminals compromise users with malware disguised as pro-Ukraine cyber tools
2022-03-09BreachQuestBernard Silvestrini, Marco Figueroa, Napoleon Bing
The Conti Leaks | Insight into a Ransomware Unicorn
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz TrickBot
2022-03-01Marco Ramilli's BlogMarco Ramilli
DiskKill/HermeticWiper and NotPetya (Dis)similarities
EternalPetya HermeticWiper
2022-02-22USENIXAndrea Marcelli, Davide Balzarotti, Mariano Graziano, Mohamad Mansouri, Xabier Ugarte-Pedrero, Yanick Fratantonio
How Machine Learning Is Solving the Binary Function Similarity Problem
2022-02-17TrellixChristiaan Beek, Marc Elias
Looking over the nation-state actors’ shoulders: Even they have a difficult day sometimes
Empire Downloader
2022-02-14DR.DKAllan Nisgaard, Ingeborg Munk Toft, Kenrik Moltke, Marcel Mirzaei-Fard
Var tæt på at slukke tusindvis af vindmøller: Nu fortæller Vestas om cyberangreb
2022-01-25TrellixAlexandre Mundo, Christiaan Beek, Leandro Velasco, Marc Elias, Max Kersten
Prime Minister’s Office Compromised: Details of Recent Espionage Campaign