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2021-05-03Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
N3TW0RM ransomware emerges in wave of cyberattacks in Israel
2021-05-03FortinetFred Gutierrez, Val Saengphaibul
Spearphishing Attack Uses COVID-21 Lure to Target Ukrainian Government
2021-05-03Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
BuerLoader Updates
2021-05-03ProofpointBryan Campbell, Kelsey Merriman, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
New Variant of Buer Loader Written in Rust
2021-05-02BBCBBC Podcast
3. Superdollars
2021-05-02GoggleHeadedHacker BlogJacob Pimental
Sodinokibi Ransomware Analysis
2021-05-02The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Trickbot Brief: Creds and Beacons
Cobalt Strike TrickBot
Mobile Malware App Anubis Strikes Again, Continues to Lure Users Disguised as a Fake Antivirus
2021-05-02The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
DOJ hiring new liaison prosecutor to hunt cybercriminals in Eastern Europe
2021-05-01whtaguy researchTwitter (@whtaguy)
Guy's 30 Reverse Engineering Tips & Tricks
2021-05-01CSETAnna Puglisi, Emily Weinstein, Ryan Fedasiuk
China’s Foreign Technology Wish List
Attributing Attacks Against Crypto Exchanges to LAZARUS – North Korea
A Not So Fancy Game: Exploring the New SkinnyBoy Bear's Backdoor
2021-05-01Marco Ramilli's BlogMarco Ramilli
Muddywater: Binder Project
2021-05-01Twitter (@JAMESWT_MHT)JamesWT
Tweet on linux version of DarkSide ransomware
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-04-30Twitter (@3xp0rtblog)3xp0rt
Tweet on Zenar Miner
2021-04-30MADRID LabsOdin Bernstein
Qbot: Analyzing PHP Proxy Scripts from Compromised Web Server
2021-04-30Medium ateixeiAlex Teixeira
Detecting network beacons via KQL using simple spread stats functions
Transparent Tribe Operating with a New Variant of Crimson RAT
Crimson RAT
2021-04-30Trend MicroCedric Pernet, Fyodor Yarochkin, Vladimir Kropotov
How Cybercriminals Abuse OpenBullet for Credential Stuffing